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5 High Impact Changes to Modernize your Space.

There are many things that date your home and decrease its value. If you'd like to know how to modernize your space and reap the benefits of a good investment, read on.

Passive and Net Zero Homes

As we face the growing challenge of climate change, the construction industry is turning its focus towards sustainable housing solutions. Passive and Net Zero Homes have emerged as the forefront of this movement, offering innovative and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional homes. 

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10 Most Important 
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5 Ways to Modernize 
Your Home

Modernizing an old home can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. Although there are many things you can do, here are five of the most effective ways to modernize an old home:

1 Electrical: Unless the previous homeowner spent a lot of money on classic lighting choices, the old selections are making the home look dated. Nothing updates a space quicker than modernizing the lighting fixtures. 

If you want to go deeper than the surface don't underestimate the value of updating the electrical feature in an old home. Are you forever looking for a block charger, still walking outside to unplug your Christmas lights, or using extension cords to get power where you need it? Upgrading a few features can make your home much more current and convenient.

2 Floors: Hardwood floors are a classic choice for modernizing an old home. They are durable, easy to clean, and add warmth and character not to mention are much healthier than wall to wall carpets. You can always use an area rug to get the look and feel without the dust trap. Alternatively, you can consider installing tile or luxury vinyl flooring, which are also durable and easy to clean, and adding floor heat is a highly efficient way to decrease heating bills and increase comfort. Also keep in mind a more modern home has a floors that flows though-out and are no longer chopped up or mismatched with different floor choices.

3 Hardware: Updating the hardware on doors and cabinets is an easy quick fix to modernize an old home. Consider replacing old, worn-out knobs and handles with new, sleek and modern hardware, or eliminate hardware altogether where possible.

4 Paint: A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for an old home. Consider using neutral colours such as white, beige, or grey for walls, as these colours are timeless and will help to open up and brighten a room. No matter what colour you choose, stay consistent and coordinated through out the space. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders to livening up an old place.

5 Windows: updating old window styles can immediately bring an old home up-to-date. Do your windows still have the drywall valance in front of them? You'll be amazed at how much better the room looks if you remove those. Furthermore, more modern windows have a larger glazed area with less mullion than older models. And lastly, replacing old, drafty windows with new, energy-efficient windows can make a big difference in the overall comfort and energy efficiency of your home. Consider double-paned windows, which can help to reduce noise and heat loss.

There are many ways to modernize an old home, including updating electrical systems, floors, hardware, paint and windows. By considering these five topics, you'll be able to give your old home a fresh and modern look while also improving its energy efficiency and overall comfort. You can DIY or call us to do it for you. Either way, It’ll make your space a better place.

Building the Future: Understanding Passive and Net Zero Homes

As we face the growing challenge of climate change, the construction industry is turning its focus towards sustainable housing solutions. Passive and Net Zero Homes have emerged as the forefront of this movement, offering innovative and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional homes. In this blog post, we'll explore what these concepts entail and discuss key considerations to achieve these energy-efficient marvels.

Passive Homes: Passive homes are designed with an emphasis on maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. These houses are constructed to harness natural resources such as sunlight and heat, while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. The primary goal of a passive home is to maintain a comfortable living environment without relying heavily on mechanical systems.

Key Features of Passive Homes:

Excellent Insulation: Passive homes are equipped with high-quality insulation materials that significantly reduce heat transfer and maintain stable indoor temperatures.

Airtightness: The building envelope is carefully sealed to minimize air leakage, preventing energy losses and drafts.

Ventilation with Heat Recovery: Mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery ensure fresh air circulation while recovering and reusing the heat from outgoing air.

South-facing Windows: Strategically placed south-facing windows maximize natural light and passive solar gain during colder months.

Energy-efficient Appliances: Passive homes use energy-efficient appliances and lighting to further reduce energy consumption.

Net Zero Homes: Net Zero Homes take sustainability a step further by aiming to produce as much energy as they consume over a given period, typically a year. These eco-conscious dwellings are designed to generate renewable energy on-site, offsetting the energy they draw from the grid.

Key Features of Net Zero Homes:

Renewable Energy Generation: Net Zero Homes commonly incorporate solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy sources to produce clean energy.

Energy Monitoring and Management: Advanced energy monitoring systems allow homeowners to track their energy consumption and optimize their usage patterns.

Energy-efficient Design: Similar to passive homes, net zero homes prioritize energy-efficient design, insulation, and appliances.

Grid Connection: While striving for energy independence, net zero homes often remain connected to the electrical grid to manage energy fluctuations and ensure a stable power supply.

Considerations to Achieve Passive and Net Zero Homes:

Location and Orientation: The geographic location and orientation of the home play a crucial role in maximizing solar gain and minimizing exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Building Materials: Choosing sustainable and eco-friendly building materials is essential to reduce the overall environmental impact of the construction.

Collaborate with Experts: Engage with architects, builders, and energy consultants experienced in passive and net zero designs to ensure a successful and efficient project.

Lifecycle Assessment: Consider the environmental impact of the building throughout its entire lifecycle, from construction to operation and eventual demolition.

Financial Planning: Although passive and net zero homes offer long-term savings on energy bills, the upfront costs can be higher. Plan your budget accordingly and explore available incentives and financing options.

Passive and Net Zero Homes exemplify the marriage of sustainability, innovation, and eco-consciousness. By prioritizing energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, and environmentally responsible practices, these homes represent a crucial step towards a greener and more sustainable future. As more homeowners embrace the challenge, we can collectively make a positive impact on the environment and pave the way for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow.

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